April 2, 2013

Getting Ready for the Garden

We’re planting a ton of vegetables this year at our new house, and my daughter and I decided to try something we saw on Pinterest. We’re painting rocks bright colors with Patio paint from the craft store, and will use permanent markers to write the names of the vegetable varieties on them and embellish them with designs.

I love the colors. Somehow I thought we had way more rocks, however. However, the day we went to collect rocks for the project, it was freezing on Ferry Island and we lasted for all of about five minutes. You can see the gray sky on our way there – that’s Copper Mountain/Thornhill Mountain in the background.

Ferry Island has walking trails and campgrounds, and is surrounded by the Skeena River. There are plenty of rocks.

Yeah – it was cold…(poor daughter)

We need to put a final coat of paint on them, and then we’ll get decorating!